Jumping the Hurdles: A Guide to HR Success for Startups 🚀

Liss Skye


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Your HR is the heartbeat of your business, as irreplaceable as the break room Nespresso machine. 💓
But what if your beloved coffee machine had arrived without a manual, a bag of beans and a 'best of luck' note?
As a start-up, you're living that reality - there's no HR-specific manual tailored to your business.
The unmapped paths ahead often lead to hitches and hiccups, potentially resulting in catastrophic brews if overlooked.
If you're overwhelmed with HR challenges, don't sweat it! You're not alone.
We're about to get deep into the three top HR hurdles and provide you with a lifeline—a clear guide to the other side of the labyrinth.
Take a deep, calming breath...aaand exhale. Confidence stocked up? Great!
Let's go ahead and revamp your HR into a powerhouse of potential.

#1: Uncertainty in Recruitment 🎯

Your business is one of a kind, and your people should be, too! More often than not, this is where new companies will fall at the first hurdle.
We get it; finding ✨the right person for the job✨ is like hunting for a needle in a haystack. But you're not exactly sure you're looking for a needle or where the haystack is.
The fallout? 
You risk repeatedly bringing on the wrong talent. That means high turnover, more hiring expenses and the dreaded domino effect of employee dissatisfaction.
All of which is no bueno for a fresh business.
➡️ The solution: Beat uncertainty with preparation and precision. 
A combo of crisp job descriptions, clear company values, and fool-proof candidate evaluation processes form the holy grail of successful recruitment. 
For more tips, check out our post on how to navigate your first hire.

#2: Overlooking Company Culture 🏢

Company culture's not all about Friday beers and ping-pong tables (No shade; I'm more of a foosball guy 😉). 
Jokes aside, culture can make or break your company. When overlooked, you'll deal with a disconnected team, lower productivity and zero engagement.
This is terrible news for your business - it can lead to a high turnover rate, low employee morale and even higher stress levels. In fact, research shows that 73% of employees leave their jobs due to poor company culture.
➡️ The Solution: Building a fantastic company culture isn't all that tricky. 
It starts and ends with listening to your employees. Ask questions, get feedback and involve everyone in the process! 
You'll be surprised at how quickly your team will open up with you (and even more astonished by how their ideas will benefit your business).

#3: Neglecting Effective HR Policies and Procedures 📋

It's tempting to skip over the HR policies and procedures typically associated with larger companies when your business is in its infancy.
Who has time for training sessions and employee handbooks while building an empire?
It's best to see that your business is already an empire. It's a small one, sure, but it's there already!
Slip-ups here can result in a Pandora's box of legal and compliance risks and potential damage to your reputation - you've got employees and vendors counting on you, and they expect to be treated fairly and appropriately.
➡️ The Solution: Don your policy-making hat and draft some rock-solid HR processes. 
Cover the essentialsemployee onboarding (make them feel welcome from day one), performance management (show them their growth matters), and proficient conflict resolution
Stay in sync with the ever-blooming employment laws and best practices to stay ahead of the game and tackle issues before they arise.

Closing Thoughts

Alright, we're ready to go! You're now fully equipped with all you need to break down the barriers to HR success and best each one. 
There's plenty more to learn before becoming an HR guru, but with these tips and tricks, you're well on your way to success. 
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Posted Sep 26, 2023

This project was a bunch of fun! I write for a UK business called Talent Tent, who focus on supporting new businesses with their HR and recruitment processes.






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