Jopp is a dark character who possesses no wit, business sense, or honor. What is clearest about his character is his ability to harbor a grudge and to take joy in seeing an enemy suffer. His function in the novel is at once to serve as a villain and a catalyst for villainous behavior. a man
Henchard promised to hire as his manager, before offering the position to
Farfrae instead. Jopp continues to live in Casterbridge, struggling and poor. Henchard hires Jopp after Farfrae leaves his employment. Despite Henchard’s past wrong, Jopp welcomes the man into his home when Henchard loses everything to his creditors. Jopp dislikes
Lucetta, as she slighted him when he asked a favor of her. Therefore, when Henchard asks him to deliver Lucetta’s love letters back into her possession, Jopp willingly reveals their contents, prompting the skimmington that shames and sickens Lucetta before her eventual death, but saves Henchard’s life after he sees his own