I teach and guide through Tarot (28 years), Human Design, Gene Keys and other modalities.
Let’s get into specifics and nuances of what will move you out of your paralysis or pain. You need a Prescription that is unique to you and your encoded DNA.
To me, it doesn’t mater what the modality is, as long as it gets you the Freedom and Ease you seek.
My truncated Bio is below, but if you are an “Express Processor” and want to get straight to offerings (classes, 1:1, Group events, etc) click here
I started reading Tarot in the late 1980s because I needed to believe in Magic and I wanted to find a way to control everything in my life. Including my Weight.
The controlling everything in my life didn’t really work out. Thankfully. But my thirst for the Mystic and the unseen propelled me into Tarot classes, and eventually reading for others. And Bonus – the Weight fell off.
How I work:
I coach and teach 1:1 and groups through the lens of Tarot, Human Design and the Gene Keys.
Increasing Money Flow. WEIGHT Loss and “WAIT” Loss. Romantic Connections. Breaking Free from Harmful Dependencies. Identifying and Embracing your Distinctive Life and Purpose.
Our feet are firmly planted on the ground as we delve into the Magic that’s underneath. We measure internal and external results in our lives. We aim for Proof. RELIEF and RESULTS.