Fullstack engineer - My Riposte

Emilien Potin

Fullstack Engineer

As a full-stack developer, I had the opportunity to work on the creation and development of the MyRiposte platform, a digital safe that simplifies and automates the management of claims, thefts, and anything that can happen to your belongings.

Technologies Used:

Backend: PHP with the Symfony framework

Frontend: JavaScript

Integration: Governmental French API

Services: PDF generation and automatic postal service integration

Key Features and Achievements:

Platform Development:

Developed the entire platform using PHP on Symfony, ensuring a robust and scalable backend architecture.

Utilized JavaScript for a dynamic and responsive user interface, enhancing user experience across all devices.

API Integration:

Successfully connected and integrated the platform with various governmental French APIs. This allows for real-time data exchange and verification, crucial for the accuracy and reliability of the reports submitted by users.

PDF Generation:

Built a comprehensive PDF generation system that compiles user reports into a standardized format. This feature ensures that all submissions are formalized and ready for official use by public organizations.

Automated Postal Services:

Developed an automatic mailing system that sends the generated PDF reports directly to the relevant public organizations via postal services. This automation streamlines the submission process and ensures that reports are received promptly and securely.

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