The productivity tool for when all other productivity tools don't work.
Anyone who has ever called you lazy has been lying to you. It’s not you, it’s them.
Too much of our self-worth is determined by our productivity
So it’s really no wonder why anxiety and depression are intimately entwined with our ability to get stuff done.
You, like most of us, must be familiar with that one task you just can’t complete. It doesn’t matter how badly you want to check it off the list. It doesn’t matter how much you think about it or will yourself to do it. There’s a mental block there you can’t get past.
Such a seemingly small problem. So much profound damage.
For every new day that the task remains unfinished, you find yourself growing increasingly frustrated, with the shame and self-recrimination to match.
Are you simply lazy? Or maybe incompetent? Why can’t you just do the gosh darn thing?
You start feeling like a failure—a wasteful failure at that.
You keep on researching all these productivity systems and buying all these different planners that will supposedly definitely work for you, but every time, you lose interest and stop using them.
And whenever you see that forgotten app on your phone or that untouched planner on top of the shelf, you’re reminded of your failings, and the belief that nothing will ever work for you digs in a little deeper.
Until finally, you convince yourself that you’re somehow defective.
How come everyone is out there being functional and productive, and here you are, a lone unproductive loser, unable to keep up and keep promises?
The people who have yet to grow tired of your many inadequacies constantly give you advice on how to get things done and be better, but their methods just don’t work for you. You know. You’ve tried them. So you punish yourself with guilt and shame, desperate to figure out why you can’t get it together.
You know you need help but can’t afford most resources, especially since they’re usually monthly commitments.
You’ve accepted that maybe you need therapy, but where on earth would you get the extra income to consult with a therapist or a coach?
And you have no idea where to find or how to access alternative resources. You’ve tried Googling, but you’re overwhelmed by the sheer amount of advice and information out there.
You feel stuck and helpless.
You’re trying to convince yourself that maybe you’ll figure it out on your own. But it’s been years of this, and you still haven’t gotten better, still have that mountain of undone tasks, unkept promises, and unfulfilled obligations.
If only there was a resource that just compiled everything you needed.
A resource that was comprehensive but didn’t cost hundreds of dollars.
A resource designed to accommodate your struggles, made by someone who understands them as intimately as you.
Hi, I’m Dani Donovan, and I had the exact same thoughts, the exact same problem.
So I made a thing to help me with The Thing.
Who is Dani?
Dani is an award-winning ADHD creator whose viral comics and TikTok videos helped build an online community of validation and solidarity for neurodivergent adults.
Her first infographic, “ADHD Storytelling,” went viral within hours, amassed over 100 million views, and was even reposted by celebrities like Mindy Kaling. In a few short months, Dani’s relatable content (and her #NeurodiverseSquad hashtag) helped her quickly become a prominent voice in the online mental health community.
Her content aims to help those with ADHD understand themselves, feel a sense of belonging, and better explain their invisible struggles to loved ones.
She was the closing keynote speaker for the 2021 International ADHD Conference and has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian.
(*The text in italics was taken from Dani Donovan’s website. I did not write it)
Productivity systems fail us. We don’t fail them.
The problem with most productivity systems and planners is they’re designed as an umbrella solution, a one-system-fits-all for all the different types of people who exist, with their varying needs and behaviors.
So, if you fall outside their scope, then too bad for you. It’s on to the next.
They can be too structured or too flexible, with you either feeling confined by the rigidity or distracted by all the customizability.
Not to mention these systems deal with time management, when your particular problem is task management. After all, keeping track of your tasks and accomplishing those tasks are two completely different issues.
To get things done you need something that addresses the roadblocks you might encounter, something that considers the underlying issues that are holding you back.
You need something that doesn’t bog you down with the busywork of trying to make just one method or strategy work for you.
Introducing The Anti-Planner.
The Anti-Planner is an activity book with over 300 full-color pages. It replaces the single-system design of traditional planners and productivity systems by providing 165+ meticulously curated activities, strategies, comics, and games to help every type of procrastinator get to the root of their productivity paralysis and finally push past it.
Best of all, it’s made for inconsistent use, requiring no maintenance, there only for the times you need it. So no room for judgment and no need to feel like a failure for inconsistency.
This book is for the people who struggle with ADHD, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, OCD, indecision, lost motivation, and all those other pesky emotions.
The Anti-Planner’s got you.
What you get:
125+ strategies specifically chosen and crafted to address a wide variety of struggles and needs. So you can be sure it has something for everyone, even you. If one, or two, or even ten strategies don’t work for you, there are 100+ more you can try and experiment with. Or you can use them as a jumping-off point to spark creativity.
Inclusion of and support for the five most common emotional struggles that might be fueling your procrastination. Stuck, overwhelmed, unmotivated, discouraged, or disorganized? The Anti-Planner’s got you covered. It doesn’t treat the symptoms—it gets right to the disease.
Awesome illustrations all over, with nearly every page unique and hand-lettered. No monotony and definitely no boredom here. Just pure fun.
Primary consideration for ease of use with an elastic band to hold the book together, a pen loop, spiral binding, paper thick enough to prevent markers from bleeding through, and simple, straightforward step-by-step instructions to guide you. It has everything you need for frictionless use.
How it works:
Open The Anti-Planner and choose the tab that corresponds to the emotion you’re struggling with.
Read the instructions to be directed to a list of strategies that best suit your current problem, along with related strategies that might also be of value.
Choose which strategies appeal to you.
Try them out.
Repeat as needed.
Easy, right?
So take a deep breath, and allow yourself to feel hope.
Here it is. A productivity tool that sees you, that understands. A tool that will work with your specific brand of struggle to untangle all your complicated emotions and give you the gentle nudge you need to confront them. A tool that addresses and doesn’t impose.
Not surprisingly, kindness and acceptance work far better than guilt or shame.
Imagine finally being able to do the hard, scary things. And the more tasks you accomplish, the surer you become.
And you can put to rest any ideas about being defective. The Anti-Planner and its thousands of sales worldwide prove you’re not alone. There’s a community out there struggling the same way you do, trying the same way you do.
You can finally feel comfortable in the space you occupy without needing to justify your existence.
The Anti-Planner is more than just a book.
It’s the culmination of my life experiences and my journey towards making peace with my version of productivity.
It’s a lovingly and painstakingly designed resource born of 2000 hours of work and years of therapy and coaching.
I wanted people who were struggling like me to be able to access the best strategies that had been made available to me throughout my life—without the hassle and the hundreds, even thousands, of dollars in expenses.
So what’s my life’s work worth?
Well, for me, it’s priceless. But for you, you can get your hands on it for just $58.
And if you order now, you can have it at a discounted price of $48.
Yes, years of therapy, research, and trial-and-error for just $48.
Plus, I’ll even throw in a super helpful PDF with 30 exercises from The Anti-Planner itself for all you digital lovers out there. This PDF is usually sold separately for $25.
It’s my birthday, after all, and this is my birthday gift to you.
But act fast because this offer is only valid until the end of the month.
Supplies are also limited, with the next release slated for next year.
How do you do this?
Once you click ‘Buy Now,’ you’ll be redirected to a secure transaction page where you’ll provide your personal and payment details.
Your card will then be charged $48 plus shipping, or $58 plus shipping if you purchase without the discounted offer.
A confirmation email will be sent to your email address with your order number and tracking number, so you can monitor your package during shipment and delivery.
If your order includes the bonus PDF, that will also be emailed to you after purchase.
You’re my priority
Quality is a foremost concern and a promise I make to you. But in the unlikely event you receive a damaged version of The Anti-Planner, contact me, and I will immediately replace it or refund you the full amount.
Please note, though, that this only applies to purchases made from my website directly. Sadly, many counterfeit products have cropped up in recent years, being passed off as legitimate Anti-Planners. That is not the case.
The authentic Anti-Planner is sold only on my website:
Refunds will only be given to damaged products. As much as I would like to provide that option to every sale, at present, it would be too costly for my small business, and I wouldn’t be able to resell marked up activity books.
I’m confident, though, that you will find what you need in The Anti-Planner. I have intentionally designed every aspect of it with you in mind, and I’m excited for you to try it.
125+ strategies await to serve your specific needs. So are you ready to get that task done?
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Posted Feb 24, 2025
I created a sales page for Dani Donovan's much beloved The Anti-Planner. This was done on spec, and I am in no way associated with Dani.