A look at St. Petersburg charity, Lillian Bay Foundation

Marina Roukalova

Content Writer
A common belief of a persevering mindset is, “Where there is a will, there’s a way.”
Brad Beatty, inspired by his daughter’s dire struggle with Cystic Hygroma, founded The Lillian Bay Foundation, in 2022. The groundbreaking nonprofit organization leverages the power of cryptocurrency and digital assets through Lillian Finance to expedite funding in support of the foundation’s mission which is close at heart to the Beatty family.
Lilly was born, in 2009, with a Cystic Hygroma that blocked her airways and created life-threatening complications, keeping her in the NICU for months. Lilly underwent surgery after surgery, while her parents worked tirelessly at their hourly jobs to keep up with her growing medical bills and ongoing treatments.
A St. Petersburg resident Lilly became an inspiration for a lifelong mission of giving back and supporting other children suffering from Cystic Hygroma.
“Lillian Brands is special because it helps me help other kids. I get bullied because of how I look and I won’t let it define me. Kids like me face this every day and things need to change in this world. My company will help me help kids and that is important to me,” says Lilly about the foundation.
Brad and his family, with the help of their Tampa Bay Area community, ensured Lilly was able to receive the necessary medical treatment that gave her the ultimate gift of life.
“Lillian Finance’s progress in decentralized finance and medical blockchain development has the potential to revolutionize children’s health care, ensuring secure data sharing and improving outcomes,” Beatty says. “Overall, it’s exciting to see how the work of Lillian Brands is contributing to a more secure, efficient and patient-centered health care system, ultimately improving the well-being of children and laying a solid foundation for the future. This technology is designed to not only transform the health care system; it is also funding necessary services for children in need.”
“Our funding model at the Lilian Bay Foundation is unique compared to any other private foundation in the United States. Currently, we are solely powered by Lillian Finance’s cryptocurrency token to help the lives of children with vascular malformations through our grantees,” says Luis Figueroa, executive director of the nonprofit. “As Lillian Finance’s medical blockchain development advances, the foundation will have the ability to expand its focus outside of just health care and dive deep into education by supporting schools that are thriving in environments that foster inclusivity and hold high academic achievement for all students across the country. We are excited with the prospect of being one of the top private foundations in the country within the next five years, through the impact we will have in the lives of children, students and families in Florida and beyond.”
In its first year, The Lillian Bay Foundation funded six surgeries, helping six children to live normal lives and will continue to save and improve children’s lives with the support of the Tampa Bay community.
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