The problem currently the Indian economy is facing is cyclical: the people were
unemployed due to lockdown, and hence the private income of the people was low,
leading to a fall in demand, accentuated by the fall in supplies in goods due
to the nationwide lockdown. To tackle this particular issue, the government
should instead focus on creating demand while slowly easing the lockdown rather
than scurrying and unlocking and boosting the supply side of an already
profitable sector. Besides this, the importance of the middle class cannot be
less stressed. In a country where consumption drives a huge chunk of GDP,
policies focused on middle-class spending are currently go to. The middle class
has the potential for the drivers of growth but what is needed is a boost in
their private income and which, in turn, will lead to a rise in consumption.
There is a growing consensus among economists for a tax holiday or, if not, a
tweak in taxes for a quarter or two. However, the already cash crunched Central
Government would not favor such a policy. The way out of this can be using up
the foreign exchange reserve, which has seen tremendous growth recently to
become the fifth-largest globally with $500 Billion.