Wellness Copywriting For An App

Jennifer Dobert


Email Marketer


Google Docs

Microsoft Word

Copywriting Sample For Fictional Client

Fictional Client: Loving Health
Product: An app called "Let's Eat"
Reader Avatar: 40-year-old tech-savvy parents of toddlers. These parents are in excellent health and want to continue down that path efficiently. They are highly responsible yet fun. They want consistent and reliable health solutions so they can lead a healthy lifestyle for their family.
Reader values: health, family, fun, reliable information, doing the right thing, honesty
Company values: health, accurate information, consumer readability
Company’s copy goal: Demo an electronic healthy eating family chart to ensure all food groups are eaten each day.
The assignment is for email copy:
A company needs help writing an email to engage with prospective clients. The goal of the email is to have the prospect click in the email to view a demo of the product or service that the company sells.
Subject line: Your family can eat healthy every day

Your family can eat healthy every day

Yes, it’s possible to make sure your family eats delicious food from every food group each day.
You make the whole meal only to realize you forgot the vegetables. What about the dairy? How can you keep up with the family’s nutritional needs when you don’t even remember what you ate for breakfast? You’re not alone.
It feels like time travels from one meal to the next.
For busy parents, the goal is to get food on the plate and then hope it had all the required nutrients.

No more hoping

Quality bonding time is like gold for busy families.
Loving Health is dedicated to helping busy families bond during mealtime.
Having a reliable and convenient resource to track your meals for daily nutrition removes the guesswork. The app Let’s Eat does that for you and also gives you cooking suggestions according to your family’s taste preferences.
Parents are shocked when their kids eat their vegetables first and ask for more.

What else?

Let’s Eat also comes with two meal planning assessments. It will let you know which food groups are missing and how many foods from each group were consumed that day.
All you have to do is download the app and snap a pic of your food.
Let’s Eat is kid friendly. The whole family can use the app together which gives your kids healthy eating habits for life. What a gift!

What's next?

No more stressing about meeting the mark on nutrients and get back to family bonding time at the dinner table.
See the Let’s Eat app in action for yourself for free.
Click here to view the electronic healthy eating family chart demo with us now.
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Posted Apr 30, 2023

Engaging email copy with the goal of the prospect clicking within the email to view the app demo.






Email Marketer


Google Docs

Microsoft Word

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