Prospecting Tools Blog Post

Jack Gorzynski

Breach Secure Now
At BSN, our goal is to help you bring in as many clients as you want. That’s why we provide all of our partners with extensive prospecting tools to help them bring new customers through the door. Let’s do a quick run down!
Baseline Employee Cybersecurity Assessment: This sixty-question quiz which covers a wide breadth of cybersecurity topics, will give you real tangible data to show prospective clients where their weak spots are and why they need your service.
Dark Web Scanning: Run one of our free dark web scans for a prospect to further support the assessment’s results and to show the real dangers they will face without your MSP’s help.
Simulated Phishing: If the results of the assessment aren’t enough, show how vulnerable they are to cyberattacks with a simulated phishing campaign. Even one employee falling for a false attack should be enough to worry them and ask for your support. 
All we want to do is help MSPs grow and the best way to do that is through these amazing prospecting tools. 
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