Ngai Tahu 2050

Callum Radford

Ngai Tahu approached my agency with aspirations of engaging their tangata whenua while also presents what it means to be Ngai Tahu for their 2050 strategy. Ngai Tahu were unsure what their desired outcome would look like.  we embarked on a series of workshops, journey mapping sessions, and brainstorming activities. Through this collaborative process, we discerned that the project comprised two key facets: one focused on amplifying the voices of their tangata whenua, while the other aimed at fostering engagement and connection with a broader audience.
My role on this project was to lead the user experience and implement a user interface which resonates the brand.
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Posted Dec 18, 2023

Exploring and defining Ngai Tahu's 2050 strategy and how we could increase tangata whenua engagement.

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