Stay Focus

Rafael Vilomar

Mobile Engineer
Software Engineer
UI Designer
React Native


Stay Focus is a mobile application to study or concentrate on a task, the application is based on the Pomodoro study method.
In this way the user can start work and study sessions, followed by short breaks and a long break. You can set how long each session will last, as well as additional features like theme change and background music.


Pomodor is a popular time management method. It consists of frequent work sessions with short breaks, thus maintaining concentration and avoiding mental fatigue.

Dark theme

For all lovers of dark themes, users can switch between light and dark themes or choose the "Auto" option.
With the "Auto" option activated, the theme will adapt to the time of the device, a light theme during the day and a dark theme at night.


Many of us stayed and worked while listening to background music. That is why Stay Focus has a list of songs chosen so that they can be listened to without disturbing the user.

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