Pre-joining project

Nehemiah Jackson


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Pre-joining prokect

Film & Theatre

by Christopher Nolan (2010)
It Won four Academy Awards:
Best Cinematography,
Best Sound Editing,
Best Sound Mixing,
Best Visual Effects.
An IDEA is The most resilient parasite
This quote was said at the beginig of the movie by the main character Cobb, who is portated by Leonardo DiCaprio and it indicates the main plot of the whole movie. The main characters are "extractors" they are using experimental military technology to infiltrate their targets subconscious and extract information but in order to erase their criminal status they are hired to do an impossible job: implant an idea in a person's subconscious, or inception.
Question 1
Cobb's and Saito's dialogue in Limbo
Question 2
We can see the start of this dialogue from the very first minute of the movie. From a close shot we can see how the guard shows Saito Cobb's belongings (gun and totem). From a longer shot we see how he was about to take his glass of wine but the totem has caught his attetion.
A few moments later we can see from a longer shot how Saito is touching the gun and asks Cobb if he is here to kill him, then a close shot he gets the totem in his hand and says that he knows what this is, he saw one many years ago and it belonged to a man he met in a half-remembered dream, long shot again and he spinns it.
The same scene continues 2 hours and 13 minutes later.
In a close shot We can see Cobb's face, he strarts to remember why he is here. Close shot again and we can see Saito, saying that he is waiting for someone. We can hear Cobb saying "Someone from a half-remebered dream" and we see Saito's reaction, he rembered him, he remembered `Cobb, but he thinks it is impossible, they were young men together and he is an old man now. A close shot to Cobb and we see him trying to remember while saying that Saito is filled with regret, close shot back to Saito saying that he is waiting to die alone, close shot back to Cobb he remembered he came back for Saito to remind him of something he once knew and we see the totem which continues spinning, that means they are dreaming and so they understand that this world is not real.
Themes and Issues
Question 3
Regret- represented by projection of Cobb's dead wife cheasing him in dreams and comfronting her which allows him to retun to his kids at the end of the movie
Dream and reality- represented a lot of times during the movie but the main scene where this theme was shown was the actual Mal's death, when she thought that her jump will just wake her up.
Idea- Cobb said at the beginnig of the movie that An Idea is the most resilient Parasite, and we actually saw it twice, when Cobb incepted in Mal's subconcious that their life is just a dream, and during their mission trying to inception Fischer's idea.
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Posted Jan 10, 2025

Pre-joining prokect Film & Theatre Inception Film by Christopher Nolan (2010) It Won four Academy Awards: Best Cinematography, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound M…






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