Life as We Know It (digital ebook)

Shilynn Marshall



Creative Writer

Film Producer


Google Docs


Here is a sneak peak of my digital story of Life as We Know It, which will soon be adapted into a short film.
It was 9 p.m. on a late August night. Everyone was getting ready for the upcoming school year. Little girls clung to their mothers and little boys fought their sleepy eyes with video games.
Everyone moved through life slowly, unchanged...
I remember sitting on the living room couch, a blue tint cast across my skin as I watched the evening news. It started with the typical golf scores, nursing home care, local crime, and tips for kids going back to school this fall. I struggled to keep my tired eyes from drifting shut. I couldn't help it, by the time the lottery numbers played out, I was deep asleep.
I woke up around 2:30 a.m. Nothing looked different, but I could feel it. The air felt heavier, almost like gravity had strengthened. I figured my body was still asleep, so I grabbed my favorite fleece blanket and snuggled back into the couch corner. Just as I began slipping back into my dreams, something shifted.
I open my eyes wide, trying to adjust them as cats do, but no luck. My body could sense something was off, but I couldn't figure out what this eerie feeling meant. I turn the T.V. back on for some light. The remote is my closest friend right now.
As the screen cracked, an inhumane sound poured from the speakers. A shrill and hum with no tune filled the space around me.
I tried to keep calm, maybe this is just a strange dream. Maybe a squirrel just got into the wires and now the signals are getting all mixed up... I was convinced for a moment until the sound grew louder.
Then it spoke to me.
“We have taken the rest. You are one of few left. Do not fear. You have been chosen.”
I let out a shriek as the voice cut off. I take cover under my blanket like a child. I curse myself; I knew I should've got a roommate. I'm frozen with fear, I don't know whether to get off this couch and call someone or stay safe under my blanket armor. I chose to stay.
What does that mean, “You have been chosen.” What if I don't want to be chosen?? Chosen for what? My heart begins pounding so hard it hurts. I remind myself to take deep breaths. There's no reason to panic yet, no one is hurt. I'm still alive. I'm okay.
After a few minutes, I gain enough courage to peek out the window nearest to me. There are no lights on, not even a car on the street. This is unusual. I reminded myself that it is three in the morning, so I need to consider that. My rational mind is doing all it can to save me from spiraling in fear.
I'm finally able to reach my phone to see what is going on. Not many people will respond to a message or a call at three a.m. so I turn to Google.
As I search for the current news in the world right now, my phone begins to do the same thing as the T.V. did. It crackles and hums and begins to repeat the message. I threw it across the room, petrified.
Something is telling me to go outside, a gut feeling, but I am too scared of what I may see. Maybe if I go to sleep this will all be over in the morning.
I clamp my eyes shut, in hopes of waking up in a normal world again.
I woke up around 7 a.m. The house is painted orange from the sunrise, and the room smells like a sweet summer morning. I knew it was just a bad dream.
I got up and did some light stretches. Today's schedule is fairly free, so I have no need to rush this morning. I grabbed some cereal and sat down at the kitchen island. I noticed my phone lying face down next to the bathroom door. I ignore it and step over it. Maybe it's time for a digital detox anyways.
I noticed the sunrise was intense this morning. Resting my arms against the window seal, my skin is stung instantly. I've never had the morning sun do that before.
Something inside urges me again to go outside. I ignore it, in hopes that it's just curiosity and nothing more. As they say, curiosity kills the cat, and I am no cat. Except for last night when I was trying to see like one in the dark. I finish up my cereal in silence, no T.V., no phone, no distractions. The peace was relaxing for once. It didn't feel like I was missing out from the world.
I know eventually I'll have to go outside if I want to go anywhere, but I really don't want to. I leave this frustration alongside the bowl in the sink and go take a shower. These always make me feel ready for the day ahead.
I turn the water on and it steams up the bathroom. I draw a smiley face in the mirror right as I hop in the shower. Just as I am finishing and drying my hair, I notice the mirror has changed. Right next to my smiley face is a message.
“Go outside.”
The letters were shaky and the steam made it so faint, but it was there. Clear as day. I clench the towel as my legs begin to shake. I don't know what to do. Do I stay hiding in my house or do I take a chance and go outside? After all the strange things that have been happening, is it even safe?
I throw on my robe and wrap up my hair. I wipe the stupid smiley face off the mirror along with the creepy message. I know no one was in here with me because I always lock the bathroom door, it's a habit I still have from growing up with brothers and sisters. Who wrote that message then? Was it already there before I got in the shower? Did the steam just reveal it? My heart begins to hurt again. I take deep breaths and massage my chest. I cannot handle a panic attack right now.
I take a minute to count my breaths. 1.... 2....3....4.... Go outside.... 5... 6... The urge is no longer mine alone, it is someone telling me. I ran to my room to grab some pants and a t-shirt.
Fine, if it insists that I go outside then I will. But once I do, leave me alone. I grumble to myself as I search for clothes to wear. My hair is dripping water all over the floor despite my attempt to dry it. The once serene morning has now turned sour.
I finally decided on a long-sleeved New York City shirt and some black sweatpants. Screw looking cute today. Still grumbling, I open the front door and my eyes are instantly seared by the sun. I hold my hand over them for protection, but it's useless. I've never felt the sun be so hot before. It looks huge, like it's only a few miles from Earth. I sprint inside to grab my darkest sunglasses.
As I returned to my front porch, I looked around my neighborhood. Not a single person in sight. Flashes of the message pop back into my mind. “We have taken the rest... You are one of few left... Do not fear... You have been chosen.”
My neck tightens with stress and my throat begins to close. I grabbed hold of the railing and regained my balance. Worries of my mother surface in my mind, my siblings and even my neighbors. What happened to everyone?
I take off down the street searching for signs of life. Even the neighbor’s dogs are gone. I look up at the sky, trying not to lose my calm, but I think I'm well past that...
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Posted Nov 24, 2024

Here is a sneak peek of my digital story, Life As We Know It, soon to be adapted into a short film.







Creative Writer

Film Producer


Google Docs


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