Sales page Sample for Joint pain product

Joan Anabui

Medical Writer
Joint Restore Gummies
After 22 years of joint agony, not holding a fork properly and prescription pain meds 
Grandpa Jeffery’s lab results came out and it says his liver is injured 
It has never happened before, he wasn’t expecting it to happen
All he wanted was a remedy for his joint pain he discovered 22 years ago
It all started 6 months ago with a sharp pain in his stomach which he ignored and blamed on his wife’s chicken salad
To stomach aches twice every week which he blamed on indigestion
Till his youngest granddaughter rushed him to the ER unconscious with blood all over his lips and in his mouth
He had been coughing blood…
Tragic, you say?
That’s an understatement, it was a scary disaster 
Imagine you, a child, finding your unconscious parent with a bloody mouth and having to push your emotions aside to call 911
No, don’t imagine that
But it’s something that can happen to you (or your loved one) if you depend on chemicals to treat your pain for a long time
Don’t ignore the warning signs of  (add pictures if necessary) 
Stomach aches  
Yellowing skin
Dark urine 
Weight loss you can’t account for 
Swollen feet and ankles 
Dark urine and pale stools
Loss of appetite
Easy bruising 
Abdomen distention 
 So you won’t end up like Jeffery and traumatize your kids 
Mayo clinic said in this very recent study that long term painkiller use can cause liver injury
A Mayo clinic study headed by Michael D. Leise, MD; John J. Poterucha, MD; and Jayant A. Talwalkar, MD in 2014,
On “Drug induced liver injury” 
Shows that long term use of drugs (especially these drugs) in the table below: 
Can annoy your liver causing it to retaliate 
Dear reader,
I’m not trying to scare you 
(My name is blah blah blah
Company credibility)
And I have something for you
(Insert testimonial here) 
What if i told you “you don’t have to monitor your body”
You don’t have to expect negative changes just cos you’re taking pills to make your pain go away
You don’t have to watch what you eat, or drink cos of the fear of an adverse reaction with pain killers
You don’t have to live life on your medication’s terms, with rules to follow
Explaining to everyone why you’re always on meds 
Because of the pain that’s hard to describe 
And people don’t care, they just think you’re lazy (or some kind of drug addict)
When they see you walking slowly and putting off work you have to do
Because you felt lightning run through your joints, 
Like it’s igniting them from inside out into an explosion 
They don’t see the tears you wipe off at night groaning in pain
Inserts picture here 
Or the money that leaves your bank for frequent doctor’s appointments and prescription refills
Coupled with getting out of your house with the pain to go all the way to the doctor’s office for your appointments
Or the sadness that fills your heart when you can’t run around with your grandkids like you used to
You just sit and watch them play around the backyard
*insert pictures*
Or your spouse’s silent dissatisfaction about what happens in the room
But they can’t voice out to avoid being selfish because of the pain you’re going through
Dear reader, I can’t imagine the pain you must feel everyday
That’s why (i/we) created a way to chew your pain away
Let me explain more 
There are only two ingredients you need to take your pain away
Research has shown blah blah blah
And they don’t need to be drenched with hundreds of chemicals in bitter pain meds 
That’ll irritate your liver to make it fight back
These two ingredients along with original cane sugar has been made into gummies for you 
Called joint restore gummies
Inserts pictures here
Now you can chew your pain away 
The first ingredient is Boswellia, 
A plant extract which helps reverse inflammation in the joints 
By increasing the gap between two joints 
As seen in this picture below;
Using Boswellia plant extract in patients with Osteoarthritis  
When the gap between the joints are increased
It prevents the joints from grinding against each other
Leading to a more permanent joint pain relief
And now in combination with second ingredient 
Which is CBD 
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