Sci-Fantasy Short Story Series

Zackary Wright

Creative Writer
Google Docs
Microsoft Word
Throughout my years writing, I have written a number of proof of concepts that never went anywhere. Until I hit a niche that ticked all the boxes for me. A Sci-Fantasy story about an android on a Post-Post Apocalyptic version of Earth.
She desires to be human, and idolizes those who treat her poorly just because they are human. She also struggles with her own androidism, as her code is horribly corrupt. She faces many hardships while making good on a promise for who she considers her best friend, without realizing how she's being used. This android is naive, and caring, and has to learn the hard way how cruel humans can be. She too may have to become cruel, just to survive.
This is contained in a series of five short stories that I never did anything with. I drafted them each a couple times over, and edited them to the beyond.
I may return to these stories, and draft them a final time, so that they get the care I believe they deserve.
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