My first Website-Portfolio

Fidan Agushi

Web Developer
Web Designer
This is the first ever website that I created using React.js and Sanity.
I created this website using the help of a well-known programming Youtuber JavaScript Mastery. I learned much from him while working on this project under his instructions. His lessons on youtube are so well made that any human without knowledge about programming can learn from him. Please do check him out:
So I created this website to showcase my skills in programming. I used Sanity as a backend tool because of its ease and fast program to add and remove content from the site. I used React.js to make my website user interface as is one of the most known ones out there and quite easy to use as well. Now I am a newcomer to react.js but I learned the basic parts during my time creating and developing my own portfolio, and to say the least a lot of the stuff that the YouTuber used I understood without a problem. Now, although the website is similar to his with photos and stuff, I added my own design where I thought I could do better than him and I think that it turned out pretty well. I also changed some of the sass styles to make some big changes to all of the areas of the site. (The website is published but it will go under some changes with the design and other bits). Here is the link to the site:
That's all it, you can look at some pictures of the finished website:
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