Google/FB Ads Management

Vishnu Tripathi


Backend Engineer

Data Engineer

Facebook Ads

Google Ads


[Python, Django, Celery, Postgres, Google Ads API, FB Ads API]
Sync-Engine is Django app that have to sync millions of ads,campaign meta data and insights from different ads platform like google, facebook on daily basis to database for further processing. Improved performance of the project by 95 times. Fixed Ads API rate limiting by reducing no of API calls by 10000 times for google and 2000 times for facebook and reduced the syncing time from 6-7h to 5-10m for ads meta and from 10-12h to 20-30 min for insights for google and from 6-7h to less than 5 min for facebook ads and insights.
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Posted Apr 11, 2023

Managed google/facebook millions of ads and campaign meta and insights through Ads API and improved project performance by 95 times






Backend Engineer

Data Engineer

Facebook Ads

Google Ads


Vishnu Tripathi

Expert for Backend Development and debugging code

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