Social Media Static Content

Linda van der Merwe

Social Content Design
Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD

Brand Aligned Social Media Content

Social media has become the easiest way to share your brand's narrative, story and value proposition. Ensuring that you stand out from the crowd is extremely important and often requires you to truly dive into your unique branded or corporate identity to truly have a lasting visual impact on your audience.
The content below showcases a way in which authentic branding has been applied to ensure that the brand is still recognizable in its evolution and that it continues to resonate with the brands audience and stake holders.
Women's Month | Facebook Cover
Women's Month | Facebook Cover
Women's Day | Celebration Post (Instagram Portrait)
Women's Day | Celebration Post (Instagram Portrait)
Eid Mubarak | Celebration Post (Instagram Portrait)
Eid Mubarak | Celebration Post (Instagram Portrait)
Africa Day | Celebration Post (Instagram Potrait)
Africa Day | Celebration Post (Instagram Potrait)
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