5 Science-Backed Ways to Being Happier

Michelle Morrison


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What is the true secret to happiness?
The truth is, it’s no secret at all. In fact, scientists have been researching it for years, and it turns out, there are some pretty simple changes we can make that can instantly make us happier. Here are five things you can start practicing right away .
Practice Gratitude.
Living each day with intentional gratitude has been proven to make people happier. Our brains have a natural tendency to focus on the negative; threats, jealousies, worries, guilt. When we practice gratitude these feelings are overcome by positive emotions; joy, hope, excitement, confidence.
Practicing gratitude regularly can expand your mind and help you to develop positive think cycles which lead to healthier behaviors and a happier life.
Be kind.
Research has shown that performing small acts of kindness and spending money on others instead of ourselves can lead to increased life satisfaction. According to Emma Seppala, compassion is a key to happiness because social connection is an important factor in our overall health. In fact, low social connection has been shown to be worse for our health than smoking and high blood pressure.
Here’s a few ways to spread kindness and increase your own happiness:
Donate clothes you haven’t worn in a while to a local shelter (this is a double win as your organization will be fueling those endorphins, too)
Bake cookies to share with your coworkers ‘just because’
Help an elderly neighbor with their trash cans
Write a thank you note for your favorite barista team
Listen to upbeat music.
Don’t underestimate the power of a good playlist. Studies demonstrate that when you are trying to be happier, you should listen to upbeat music. When you drop the sad tunes, and consistently listen to happier uplifting music, your overall mood and happiness can really improve.
For me, it’s Sweet Lovin by Sigala, Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey and Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake; it’s impossible to listen to these bops without a smile!
Focus on experiences, not objects.
People report greater feelings of happiness when they spend their money on experiences instead of objects, before, during and after the purchase. Experiences last in our memory and our brains can relive them, while the satisfaction of material goods expires over time. So, instead of those new headphones, try a cooking class with a friend or going to a movie at the theatre.
Seriously? Yes — seriously! Whether it’s real of fake, research shows that when you smile, there are great benefits to your health. When you smile your brain releases neuropeptides, which help to reduce stress, and other neurotransmitters, like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins are released which act as natural pain relievers and antidepressants. Plus, it’s contagious; smiling activates the smile muscle in others, too — so spread the joy and just smile.
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Posted Aug 25, 2023

The truth is, it’s no secret at all. In fact, scientists have been researching it for years, and it turns out, there are some pretty simple changes we can make…






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Michelle Morrison

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