AWS DevOps Engineer at Deloitte

Viralkumar Patel

Cloud Infrastructure Architect
DevOps Engineer
Deloitte Spain

• Built CI/CD on AWS environment using AWS Code Commit, Code Build, Code Deploy and Code Pipeline using AWS CloudFormation, API Gateway, and AWS Lambda in automation and achieved seamless deployments, resulting in a significant reduction in release time.

• Configured and managed AWS infrastructure components, including EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and RDS databases, ensuring high availability and scalability for applications.

• Created alarms in CloudWatch service for monitoring the server’s Performance, CPU Utilization, disk usage to optimize application performance and troubleshoot production issues.

• Implemented infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation and Terraform to provision and manage AWS resources, reducing manual configuration efforts by 20% and enabling infrastructure scalability.

• Used security groups, network ACLs, Internet Gateways, NAT instances and Route tables to ensure a secure zone for organizations in AWS Public Cloud.

• Used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance and manage Docker containers by creating Pods & Clusters with multiple namespace ids.

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