Everything You Need To Know About Portion Control

Jesse Aduma



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Portion Control
We are what we eat; this statement has been found to be true time and again. Our food, meals, and diet significantly affect even more than just our outward appearance. For this reason, it makes sense that we would want to monitor carefully our food intake, which is exactly what portion control is.
Portion control is consciousness in meal planning. It is the healthy consumption of food with regards to quantity, exercising moderation in food consumption, helping you get the benefits of the nutrients in the food without overeating.
Unlike dieting, which could mean avoiding certain foods totally, portion control only suggests you mind the quantity.


A significant benefit of portion control is that it plays a vital role in helping regulate weight. Recently, more people are struggling with obesity; this can be linked to an unhealthy increase in portion sizes, causing overeating, leading to a bloated waistline. Although other factors influence weight, the quantity of food we consume sure does play a huge part. This is why a conscious effort to exercise moderation in meal planning is required, seeing as people tend to make an effort to finish whatever they serve themselves.


It helps control blood sugar levels
It helps with weight loss/regulation
Allows you to stay energized throughout the day


Have A Glass of Water Before meals: Filling up on water will help you not feel as hungry, allowing you to eat less food than you intended. Staying hydrated will also allow you to distinguish between hunger and thirst, thereby preventing unnecessary eating.
Eat Slowly: Did you know your brain could take up to twenty minutes (20 mins) to register that you are full? This means that the faster a person eats, the more likely they are to overeat. So rather than hurriedly stuffing your face, try chewing each bite at least five or six times. This will help you pay more attention to your food. In addition, rather than eat till you “feel full” – can’t have anymore – paying attention to your meal will help you know when you are satisfied (had enough).
Use Smaller Dishes/Plates: Using large plates can make food look smaller. Also, in most homes, serving a full plate is the norm. This means that the larger the plate, the more food one is likely to consume. Therefore, to properly monitor your food intake, it is advisable to make use of smaller dinnerware, so you do not eat excess.
Beware of Restaurant Servings: While eating out, try not to abandon your portion control principles. Beware of restaurant servings that may not align with your desired portions. For this reason, it is more advisable to order takeout and eat your desired portion in the privacy of your home. If you are to eat out, try asking for a half serving or try splitting meals with your friends or partner.
Don’t Wait Till You’re Hungry: Making meal plans while hungry could lead to extravagance because you will likely overestimate how much food you need. Rather than wait until you get hungry, it will be easier to control your food portions if you eat at fixed times during the day. Furthermore, people who eat while hungry are more likely to eat faster, increasing the risk of overeating.
Healthy Snacking: Eating snacks in-between meals is a great way to prevent you from getting too hungry. This will make it easier for you to practice portion control at mealtime. However, it is worthy of note that you eat only healthy snacks, seeing as unhealthy snacks could have diverse negative effects.
Save Food For Later: You don’t always have to finish what’s on your plate. If you feel satisfied, you could keep it in the fridge or store it someplace else for later. This way, instead of having another serving when next you are ready to eat, you could pick up where you left off, thereby reducing your overall food intake.
In conclusion, breaking any habit takes serious willpower. You have to want to cut back on your eating and be continuous in your efforts, persevering through temptations because there definitely will be a few. On the plus side, you are bound to experience the incredible health benefits of portion control without compromising on the taste or quality of your meals.
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Posted Mar 1, 2024

Portion control is consciousness in meal planning. It is the healthy consumption of food with regards to quantity, exercising moderation ...







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