Informative Blog Content & Social Media for a Crypto-based App

Jay Moar

AI Content Editor
Content Writer
Article Writer
Google Docs

Bloom Rewards

Created online content for crypto-based shopper rewards app

Bloom Rewards

for approximately one year (2022 - 2023).

Blog Content Researched and wrote over 60 informative articles for the

Bloom Blog

. The majority of these articles educated the target audience about all things crypto and web3. Other topics included product news and updates as well as the occasional topical news opinion. Link to

Google Doc full list

of all published Bloom blog articles. *Please note that image links in some of these blog articles have been de-linked.

Social Media Also scheduled and created daily tweets for

Bloom Rewards' X profile

(formerly Twitter). Posted tweets included product updates (including informative pinned threads), special offers, news, blog updates, crypto & NFT news and plenty of crypto-related memes. Viral tweet threads earned extra likes and boosted the rate of Bloom app installs.

PR In addition to blog articles and social media content, press releases for new Bloom partnerships, product developments and membership offers were also developed.

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