Conway's Game of Life

Guillermo Olmos Ranalli

Frontend Engineer
Personal Project

I developed an interactive implementation of Conway's Game of Life using React and Styled Components, and deployed it on Vercel. This project demonstrates my proficiency in front-end development, specifically in using modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries.

Live Project:

You can view the live project



Project Highlights:

Interactive Grid: Users can start, stop, and reset the game with interactive buttons. The grid dynamically adjusts its dimensions based on user input through sliders.

Responsive Design: Ensured the grid cells remain square and the layout is responsive across various screen sizes without requiring scrolling.

Random Initialization: Automatically populates the grid with random live cells when the game starts if no cells are initially alive, enhancing user experience.

Customizable Speed: Included a speed slider to control the game’s update interval, allowing users to observe the evolution of cells at different speeds.

Dynamic Styling: Implemented a dropdown to apply different styles to the cells, making the game visually appealing and customizable.

Code Quality: Comprehensive unit tests for grid update logic and UI components to ensure functionality and robustness.

Deployment: Leveraged Vercel for seamless deployment, ensuring the application is accessible online.

Technologies Used:

React: For building the interactive user interface.

Styled Components: For writing component-level CSS.

Vercel: For deploying the application.

Jest: For writing and running unit tests.

Learning and Skills:

Deepened my understanding of React hooks, state management, and component-based architecture.

Enhanced my skills in CSS-in-JS using Styled Components.

Gained experience in deploying React applications using Vercel.

Improved my ability to write effective unit tests to ensure code quality and reliability.

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