Custom Corrections

Guillermo Olmos Ranalli


Backend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Software Engineer




Developed a web application for managing manual financial adjustments within a banking environment. The application features a user-friendly interface that allows users to propose, review, and approve adjustment records. Key functionalities include:
Dashboard: Displays a searchable and sortable table of manual adjustments.
Pending Adjustments: Lists adjustments pending approval.
Detail Views: Provides detailed information and actions for each adjustment.
Document Management: Supports uploading, viewing, and deleting documents related to adjustments.
Role-Based Access Control: Ensures secure, role-specific access to different functionalities.
This screenshot showcases a Custom Corrections dashboard. All data, including IDs, account numbers, dates, and names, have been anonymized and do not reflect any real or sensitive information.
This screenshot showcases a Custom Corrections dashboard. All data, including IDs, account numbers, dates, and names, have been anonymized and do not reflect any real or sensitive information.
Integration with Kubernetes and PCF: Assisted in the migration process, ensuring retrocompatibility. Managed deployments and configurations for both Kubernetes and Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).
Authentication Systems: Maintained legacy authentication with PCF SSO and integrated a new authentication system using AWS Cognito, ensuring seamless user authentication and authorization.
Local Development Enablement: Enabled the UI to run locally using Docker, providing frontend engineers with a reliable and comfortable development environment. This involved setting up Docker containers, configuring dependencies, and ensuring smooth operation on local machines.
End-to-End Testing: Conducted extensive end-to-end testing using an in-house framework based on JavaScript and Newman (CLI tool for Postman), and UI testing with Cypress. Ensured robustness across different user flows, scenarios, and multiple environments, contributing to higher quality and reliability.
Collaboration: Worked closely with cross-functional teams, including backend and frontend engineers, to ensure seamless integration and functionality across the entire application stack.
Documentation: Documented processes and configurations to facilitate smooth onboarding and knowledge transfer within the team.
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Posted Jun 9, 2024

Assisted in migration, maintained legacy and new authentication for retrocompatibility, enabled local development, conducted end-to-end tests, and collaborated






Backend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Software Engineer




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