What is Hospitality Management?

Ayo Adekunle

Content Writer

Market Researcher

Google Analytics

Google Docs

Google Drive


How It all Began 📝

In this project, I worked with a Hospitality and Business Management Company to write, edit, and publish 500-1,000 word blog. This company and blog centered around hospitality management for business groups and shed light to unique hospitality management issues faced.
For this blog, I used the brand voice to create an engaging and informative write-up that businesses in the hospitality space could take to see which insight they can adapt to and implement.

The Process 💻

Before writing and choosing this topic, I was able to perform some research on trendy issues for businesses in the hospitality demographic. With my own knowledge -- based on my research of this space and Google Analytics, as well as other similar topic analytics pages, I was able to come up with this blog topic to strategically get more traction for their blog page.

Results ✨

As a result of this blog being well researched and detailed, it encompasses all the necessary information needed by most hospitality firms for proper management and implementation. In the end, it got over 20,000 views and still counting. Businesses enjoyed taking the straight-to-the point content which enables them to give their input on the blog page.
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Posted Sep 8, 2022

What is Hospitality Management? This article defines Hospitality Management and its job prospects, salary and study programme.






Content Writer

Market Researcher

Google Analytics

Google Docs

Google Drive


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