2nd Water

Jamil Daken


Brand Designer

Logo Designer

Packaging Designer

2nd Water' - as a brand name, comes from the undisputed fact that coffee is the second most popular drink in the world after water. This is an astonishing statistic, as many would generally consider a cola drink, a fruit juice, or even tea as the most popular drinks. However, the answer lies in coffee. And we have used it in a creative way by linking it with water. Therefore, 2nd Water intrigues potential consumers, prompting them to quickly uncover its meaning. This fact alone will help 2nd Water to register clearly in the minds of consumers.


A clever and artistic blend of two elements forms the logo. The first is a waterfall - which coincidentally represents one of the many sources of water - and the second is a spilt coffee cup. These two elements are merged seamlessly to form the logo, with visual elements representing both coffee and water as well. The logo is designed with an engraved look to enhance the overall effect, while the visuals are treated with a graphic style.


The concept developed revolves around LIFE itself. Just as water is the source of life for mankind, coffee is the source of life for coffee lovers worldwide. For instance, it is well-known that the first cup of drink after waking up in the morning - for many in the world - is a cup of coffee, while it is also the last cup of drink before going to bed. In between, whether for breakfast, a morning meeting, an afternoon meal, an evening date, or a night out with the family, coffee seems to be an integral part of all these gatherings and therefore, a part of life itself.


Overall, '2nd Water' presents a personality that is innovative, intriguing, clever, clear,engaging and CONNOISSEUR making it appealing to a wide range of consumers, particularly those passionate about coffee and creative branding approaches.
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Posted May 16, 2024

2nd Water: Two brothers with a deep love for coffee created this small brand to share their passion and make a mark in the coffee world.






Brand Designer

Logo Designer

Packaging Designer

Jamil Daken

Art Direction, Branding, Packaging & Design

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