XFormer Cache | KickStarter campaign

Maya Sayvanova


I don’t know who keeps distributing the lie that people don’t read. Everyone says, “Hey, I need a short copy, because people don’t read.”

People don’t read boring stuff. If you write two boring words, people still won’t read it. Or if they will, they won’t care.

So, instead of trying to say everything in two words, say it with as many words as you want. Just make it good.

This was our approach for the XFormer Cache. The manufacturers already had done successful kick-starter campaigns, but they felt they could do better if the copy was better.

I love writing for these types of clients. It takes a while for any business owner to get there. There’s so much to attend to with any business, it seems like copy is the last thing on your mind, but when we’re talking about maximizing results, copy is one of the first things to look at.

So, we wrote a long copy.


Talked to the readers like we talk to friends, because they are our friends

Told them all there was to know about the product. We didn’t shy away from anything just to keep things short.

Asked them to help us.

As a result, this awesome product gathered $10K, though the manufacturers only asked for $1500 initially.

I love it when this happens!

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