Brand Writing for Kinn Studio's New Bridal Jewelry Collection: Kinn Vow ✨
🗓 When: May 2021
👤 Client: Kinn Studio, Los Angeles CA
❓ Asks: Write brand statements for social media, web spaces, and public relations that blended existing brand language into fresh bridal-inspired copy. The Founder wanted the language of her new collection to feel like a natural extension of her customer's heirloom jewelry purchases. It was also key to be inclusive, but as a given, not as a point of standing out. The goal was: show, don’t tell.
💡 Insights: I conducted competitor research of the bridal jewelry market, gave the brand a deeply human backstory, wrote three taglines, & incorporated original brand copywriting throughout the website & social media spaces. The Kinn Vow Collection launched in September 2021.