DevOps CI/CD Project | Jenkins Shared Lib | DevSecOps

Loretta E

Web Designer
Cloud Infrastructure Architect
DevOps Engineer
Amazon EC2
Project description
DevOps Project Tools Used: GitHub Actions, Maven (Unit test) Sonarqube (SCA), Sonarqube (QGSC), Trivy (Image Scan), Docker and ECR, EKS.
The CI/CD project automates software delivery using GitHub for version control, Jenkins for CI/CD orchestration, Maven for building, SonarQube for code analysis, Trivy for Docker image scanning, ECR for image storage, Docker for containerization, and EKS for container orchestration. This ensures efficient and secure software deployment with minimal manual intervention.
Deploying a Java application using DevOps pipeline which is written in Groovy script and yaml.
Step 1: Developer pushes code to GitHub
Step 2: Workflow gets triggered due to push action
Step 3: SCA is done with Sonarqube
Step 4: QGSC is done with Sonarqube
Step 5: Docker image is built and pushed to DockerHub and ECR
Step 6: Application is deployed to EKS Cluster
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