How to Ace Your Job Interview Step-by-Step with A Live Mock Int…

Karina A

Content Creator

Career Counsellor



This course is all about mastering the art of being interviewed. This is the perfect course for you if:
😕 You have a great resume and career track, but you are not getting any job offers after the interviews.
😬 You get extremely nervous during an interview, so much that your thoughts seem “blurred”
✔️ You feel that your answers are not organized and would like coaching on the structure of it.
🧘🏿 The interview is a very stressful task for you or just don’t know where to start preparing for it.
⏰ You really need to get a job offer soon but no other training or coaches seem to work.
👩🏻‍🏫 You need a live, experienced interviewer and not a “group” of strangers to give you all kinds of feedback on your interview.
⭐⭐⭐ This course includes a full Mock Interview performed by an expert, and access to the material for life, read on for more details ⭐⭐⭐

The Spark ✨

This course is the result of countless sessions being an interviewer and also sitting on the other side of the table as a candidate. The tips that you will find in this course will save you hours and stress going interview after interview and will get you to the finish line or job offer faster than any other tool out there.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: Years Budget: Sweat and lots and lots of knowledge Deliverables: List some deliverables that the independent gave. • Solid content • Actionable steps • Tips on what NOT to do during your interview

This training guided me on points that I should think about, and how I can convey my experience, skills and why I might be the right candidate for the position. Don’t know how to answer a question about yourself, she will guide you on how to overcome these challenges. The key take-away is “BE YOURSELF”. I highly recommend this service, and I will utilize her services in the future again." Agnes Pollack

Thank you Karina Karina is a great source of information when it comes to interviewing. I got very comprehensive coaching on what I needed to do to improve my interviewing skills and prepare myself for a great interview.
Brian Douglas

Karina is an excellent interview coach. She was very responsive, punctual, and very professional. She came prepared for our meetings and was very thorough and resourceful. She came up with some very interesting points and gave constructive feedback and useful tips. Bringing her lovely personality, she made the sessions not only efficient and helpful but also very pleasant. Dr. Herlizch

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Posted Jun 25, 2022

Do you want to know how to ace job interview? Here is all the tips and hacks you need to do so. What are you waiting for? Click & find out






Content Creator

Career Counsellor



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