Mobile App User Experience Design : MoneyMobi

Shubham Sharma

User Researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Objective : Enhancing User Experience and Interface Design for a MobiMoney Mobile App


MoneyMobi is a startup company that aims to revolutionize the way people manage their personal finances through their mobile app. The app provides features like budget tracking, expense management, investment tracking, and financial education resources. However, they identified several usability and design issues in their existing app that hindered user engagement and satisfaction. The project's primary goal was to improve user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design to create a more intuitive, visually appealing, and user-centric fintech app.

Problem Statement:

The existing app suffered from confusing navigation, cluttered screens, inconsistent visual elements, and an overall lack of user-friendly design. This resulted in a high bounce rate, decreased user retention, and negative user reviews. MoneyMobi recognized the need for a comprehensive UX/UI redesign to address these issues and enhance the app's usability, visual appeal, and overall user experience.

Before are some of the User Interface design of the app :


On-Boarding Screens


Profile Creation & Verification Screens


App Screen - 1

App Screen - 2

App Screen - 3
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