Web Scraping and Data Extraction

Anshu .K

Data Scraper

Systems Engineer





Scrape Web & Extract Data

1️⃣ What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data from websites using scripts or tools. It involves retrieving HTML content, parsing it, and extracting useful information like text, images, links, or tables.

2️⃣ What is Data Extraction?

Data extraction is a broader term that refers to retrieving structured or unstructured data from different sources (websites, databases, PDFs, etc.) for further processing, analysis, or storage.

🔹 Why Use Web Scraping & Data Extraction?

Gather business insights (e.g., competitor pricing, stock market trends).
Monitor news and trends (e.g., latest articles, blogs, research).
Automate repetitive tasks (e.g., collecting product details).
Extract and structure data from unorganized web content.

🔹 Tools for Web Scraping

Tool UseCase
BeautifulSoup Simple HTML parsing
Requests Fetching web pages
Selenium Interacting with dynamic websites
ScrapyL Large-scale web scraping framework
Playwright Automating headless browsers

Project : My client wanted to Scrape Autolina.ch saving all data .

Solution :

Scraping a website doesn't go straight forward like making request and parsing with BS4 , it's an art indeed. I did tested regressively to scrape the website with scrapy and playwright. I was able to scrape it but the performance wasn't too promising due to page loading took 3 seconds and we had 80k pages total taking 3 days to scrape if website worked properly. So I somehow managed to find a secondary website which this main website used to use in the background thus scraping whole website in 45 minute. I have added 85 proxies and threads to scrape the website in 2 phases. 1st phase scrapes website to extract car links and in 2nd phase individual links are extracted saving data in csv format after parsing essential details.
Suppose you have a website and you want to extract some specific data in a particular format let it be CSV ,JSON , MySQL etc. You can reach me out for web scraping. Tools I prefer to use for this task are Playwright, Selenium, BS4. If you have ny other tool to be used specifically you can mention that.
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Web scrape and data extraction automate data collection from websites for insights. Advanced uses include price monitoring, sentiment analysis and market trend.






Apr 4, 2024 - Sep 13, 2024


Data Scraper

Systems Engineer





Anshu .K

✅Python✨Automation✨AI Gen✨Scraping✅

Web Automation
Web Automation