Social Media Influencer Chelsea Bear Aims to change societies p…

Olivia Murphy


Blog Writer


The 30-year-old social media influencer uses social media to share her experiences as a disabled person. Her posts are humorous, insightful, and uplifting, and she aims to promote awareness and acceptance of those with disabilities.
Chelsea Bear was born with a muscular disability affecting gross motor skills such as walking and balance. As a result, she uses a mobility scooter. She graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University with a Bachelor of Communication and Public Relations in 2015. She started posting on social media, sharing her experiences during the beginning of the COVID pandemic.
Three years later, Bear has gained over 300,000 Instagram followers, over 278,000 TikTok followers, and her recently launched YouTube channel, which has accumulated over 26,000 subscribers since she relaunched the channel three weeks ago. She shares everything from weird encounters with people in public to what it is like to travel with a disability and even date with a disability. Bear recently posted a YouTube video in which she explains why she decided to start posting about her disability and how she went from writing blog posts about her experiences to sharing clips of her living her da life, Why I Started Posting About My Disability.
Additionally, Bear has collaborated with various companies and organizations, such as Visit Tampa Bay, where she makes content visiting places all over the Tampa area. She has also been featured on multiple podcasts, such as being impactful, our disabilities do not define us, and living my best Disabled Life. No matter what medium Bear utilizes, she is not afraid to share her life authentically. If you would like to learn more about Bear’s cerebral palsy or the disability community in general, you can follow her on TikTok, Instagram, or subscribe to her YouTube channel Chelsea Bear – Living with Cerebral Palsy.
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Posted Jul 5, 2023

The 30-year-old social media influencer uses social media to share her experiences as a disabled person. Her posts are humorous, insightful, and uplifting, and…






Blog Writer


Olivia Murphy

Content Writer for Disability & Pop Culture

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