This project arose in a post-pandemic context, out of the need to create something that encourages people to engage in outdoor physical activity. Step Out is an app designed to connect people with cities, transforming spaces into places.
Main Challenge
Encourage people to engage in outdoor physical activity in a post-pandemic context while exploring their surroundings.
Main User
It is intended for anyone who wants to freely explore while beeing active at the same time.
Interaction Scenario
Low Fidelity Prototyping
Turning Spaces into Places
Look around and start paying attention to things you maybe didn’t before! Make it your goal to fully know the city you live in. With Step Out you can create a deeper bonding with your city while staying active!
The POI’S (Points of Interest) are meant to make you feel more connected to your city. Keep adding them to your list and sharing them with other users!
We don’t want you to be attached to your phone when you should be exploring, so we’ll make sure to notify you when you’re passing a POI you haven’t been to yet!
You literally just need to Step Out.
Bachelor's Degree | Group Project
Visuals/Identity/Design: By Me
Duration: 6 months
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Posted May 5, 2024
Step Out is an app designed to connect people
with cities, transforming spaces into places.