⚡ Personal Website

Rodrigo Lamadrid


Graphic Designer

Web Developer

Content Writer


I designed my personal website with the purpose of reuniting all my work in one place to easily share it with potential clients and collaborators.
By visiting https://rodrigolamadrid.webflow.io/, you'll find: • My self-produced video content (Youtube + Instagram Reels) • An 'About me' section • My Blogletter • My copywriting portfolio • My consulting services (for booking 1-on-1 coaching video calls) • My blog (for personal musings, press, interviews, testimonials, etc.) • Various resources (my ebook, my lecture, software and book recommendations, etc.)
Skills building my own website helped me improve:
Content Writing
Web Design using Webflow
UX Writing
In need of inspiration for your own site? Check out mine:
Landing page for
Landing page for
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Posted Dec 19, 2021

My personal website reunites all of my work as a copywriter, content creator, and other related projects so you can get to know me. 🚀






Graphic Designer

Web Developer

Content Writer


📘 Ebook: Write Like a PRO: 10x Your Writing In 1 Day
📘 Ebook: Write Like a PRO: 10x Your Writing In 1 Day
📕 Ebook: A Simple Guide To Mastering SEO
📕 Ebook: A Simple Guide To Mastering SEO
📗 Ebook: 15 Proven Tips To Get Your First Sales On Fiverr
📗 Ebook: 15 Proven Tips To Get Your First Sales On Fiverr
🛬 Landing Page Copy for Irys
🛬 Landing Page Copy for Irys