Designing different user journeys for an ESG Investment Fund

Burak Dogramaci

UX Designer
Product Strategist
UI Designer

Overview 🔎

An ESG investment fund wanted to redesign its website to make it more relevant to its customers and industry professionals who frequently visit the website and seek information about investment offerings. Their agency asked us to facilitate a workshop to understand the stakeholder needs and design wireframes.

Workshop materials created with client stakeholders to define user personas

Deliverables we've done

  • Workshop Facilitation
  • Proto-Personas
  • User Journey Mapping
  • UX Audit for the current website
  • Sitemap redesign
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframing

Process 🛣

We set out to design a unique workshop to identify user personas who are their frequent visitors. From our earlier research on the ESG ecosystem and shared client materials on customer segmentation, we devised a proto-persona workshop to understand the needs of the customer observed by their customer-facing stakeholders.

During the half-day workshop with their marketing and sales executives, we defined the customer profile and important steps in their journey to make decisions. We also gained an understanding of the regulations of the industry and the technical needs of the company.

After this phase, we started investigating the website content, conducted a UX audit of the current website and identified parts of the interface we could improve. We also gathered an inventory of the site content and created a visual sitemap to improve the navigation of their website.

We created a new proposed sitemap and user flows to separate user journeys for finance professionals and individual investors. We proposed usability optimisations to make it easier for the right audience to find the right materials for their needs and improvements to how the content is being displayed across the website for a better experience.

Wireframes: Content sections for different journeys
Document library redesign for easy access to relevant documents by financial professionals
Dividing content into small chunks and offering a better reading experience for content heavy website

What happened afterwards? 📣

Building on this, designed the mid-fidelity wireframes that provided the starting point for a larger redesign. The project went live with our proposed design changes and new user journey at the end of 2022.

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