Piggyvest Savings Mobile App Redesign

Esther Oreoluwa Bamidele


Graphic Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer


Piggyvest is a savings and investment app designed to help users grow their wealth effortlessly. With a focus on ease and usability, I redesigned key elements of the app, enhancing the overall user experience. The revamped loading and splash screens set a welcoming tone, while the improved home screen provides an at-a-glance view of savings and investment balances, making financial tracking more intuitive.
Design Screen Mockup
Design Screen Mockup
Onboarding Screens
Onboarding Screens
Login, Signup and Account Settings Screens
Login, Signup and Account Settings Screens
Homepage Sliders
Homepage Sliders
I also refined the navigation to be seamless and intuitive, allowing users to easily explore their savings options. Each savings plan was reimagined to be visually clear and engaging, guiding users to select and manage the best plan for their needs.
Saving Methods
Saving Methods
Transactions & Savings
Transactions & Savings
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Posted Nov 7, 2024

Redesigned Piggyvest’s splash screen, home screen, navigation, and savings plans to boost user engagement and simplify saving and investment tracking.






Graphic Designer

UX Designer

UI Designer


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