Web Application Security(VAPT)

Rehan Sayed

Executive Assistant
Security Engineer
Burp Suite
  • Conducted a comprehensive VAPT for a high-traffic website to enhance its security posture.
  • Identified and classified security vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, XSS, and authentication bypass.
  • Prioritized and remediated critical vulnerabilities in collaboration with the website's development and security teams.
  • Achieved increased customer trust by demonstrating a commitment to protecting customer data and secure transactions.
  • Strengthened the website's security measures to safeguard against potential attacks and data breaches.
  • Recommended ongoing security monitoring to detect new vulnerabilities and emerging threats.
  • Followed best practices, including a combination of automated tools and manual testing, collaboration with teams, and periodic security assessments.
  • Resulted in improved customer retention rates, reduced financial and legal risks, and enhanced reputation as a secure platform.
  • Positively impacted the business through improved customer satisfaction, strengthened competitive advantage, and decreased financial risks.

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