Don’t Let Indecision Interfere with Your Dream Life

Leah Manuel



Blog Writer

Content Creator

Disclaimer: This is a mock project. This article is not published online, nor is it associated with The New Yorker in any way. It is meant to showcase my magazine writing skills.
Don’t Let Indecision Interfere with Your Dream Life:
A Step-By-Step Guide on Achieving Your Goals
Although Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar was written in the early 1960’s, it is more relevant now than ever. Specifically the famous Fig Tree quote:

I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.

― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
This passage is commonly thought of as being about the fears that stem from indecisiveness. These fears will leave the girl empty-handed because she couldn’t choose something to focus on. Well, with social media showcasing all types of perfect lifestyles and passions, it is extremely difficult to have certainty when deciding what to do. That is why I’ve created a step-by-step guide to figure out your passions and work toward achieving your dream lifestyle.
            Obviously, each lifestyle on social media comes with hardships. But most of the time those are not presented. Here’s a few dreamy lives that cross my mind:
1. The young Donna, Mamma Mia, lifestyle: Traveling the world, carrying your surfboard, photographing art and culture, (because you’re a photographer and travel blogger) hostel hopping, gaining experiences and falling in love.
2. The cottage core, nature loving, lifestyle: Frolicking in a field wearing a white dress that you sewed, (because you’re a seamstress) picking fresh fruit and veg from your garden, (because you live off the land) and walking into your gorgeous, green cabinet filled kitchen, with glass windows where you can see your kids playing with the ducks in the pond and the horses in the stables.
3. The whimsigoth, free-spirited, lifestyle: Living in a Victorian house with lots of stained-glass and bohemian accents. Writing music, (because you’re a singer/songwriter) as you sit on the staircase steps, looking out the window at your backyard as the stream flows and the dragonflies buzz. Your deep red chandelier necklace, draped dress, and sultry candles, remind people of a witch.
           Now, remember that Fig Tree analogy about indecisiveness, well it turns out most people read this quote out of context. This creates a vision that it’s about the pain of indecision—so it makes sense why it is so well known, because it is upsettingly relatable. But it is out of context; the next page in the book is about the girl having an emotional spiral—pretty understandable if you ask me. Then, she eats, "I don't know what I ate, but I felt immensely better after the first mouthful. It occurred to me that my vision of the fig tree and all the fat figs that withered and fell to earth might well have arisen from the profound void of an empty stomach.” Suddenly she realizes that withering away due to indecisiveness isn’t inevitable. Sometimes you just have to take things slow.
  Slowing things down can be difficult considering our day and age. Phones and social media constantly at our fingertips can cause overstimulation, I mean we’re bound to be indecisive when there is a never-ending stream of new possibilities. It's easy to become impatient and hyperactive as well. Always doing two things at once, having a hard time sitting still. Many people will gain an immense interest in a hobby or an idea, and they will dedicate their time to it, and like clockwork they’ll forget about it two weeks later. That is why a step-by-step guide is a must when getting your life in order.
1.    Make a List It is necessary to halt your multi-interests and make a list. Think about your life goals/hobbies and list them from most wanted to least. This can be difficult, especially if you are indecisive, but remember that you are not confined to that top choice.
2.    Set Goals           Now it’s time to set some goals. Make sure they are reasonable, considering you will be more likely to work toward them. What do you want to have accomplished in three weeks? Maybe even write notes on the process to complete the goal. Must have materials, and a messy step-by-step on how to conquer. Once that goal has been met, you can create a new one.
3.    Create Time for Yourself         I know we all have busy schedules. School, work, kids to take care of, but I promise if you make it a priority, you’ll be able to find even a small amount of time for your goals. Start with twice a week, (the less pressure, the more likely you’ll follow through) more if you’re eager, and set aside time to work on this goal of yours, whether it be research or putting your hobby into practice. The biggest mistake made is focusing on too many things at once. So, try to focus on the same goal for a liberal period of time. Either you’ll find out it’s not right for you, or it’s your perfect cup of tea. With the sole focus being on this one passion, you will find yourself meeting these goals, and gaining a certain type of mastery.
4.     Achieve Living in Peace      Of course, you can continue with this hobby and only this hobby, you can start a new one completely, or you can do a little bit of both and intertwine them into your weekly schedule. Achieving your goals will seem more reachable, maybe you’ll even be able to make a career out of these passions. You can take your passions and turn them into your dream lifestyle. Whatever the outcome, at least you’ll be at peace, never having to live with the common, gut-wrenching question, “what-if?”
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Posted May 26, 2023

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The New Yorker



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Leah Manuel

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