experimental typography

Thomas Perri


Graphic Designer


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


Experimenting with different shapes & as well as different languages using adobe illustrator to produce these fine examples of experimental & expressive features found in modern typography today.
A is my favorite letter, so I decided I would start it off with an "A".
A is my favorite letter, so I decided I would start it off with an "A".
Had to mess around with Cryillic, creating brick like typography inspired by Russia's main architecture style ( from what I have seen at least ) : brutalism. It also means path in Russian.
Had to mess around with Cryillic, creating brick like typography inspired by Russia's main architecture style ( from what I have seen at least ) : brutalism. It also means path in Russian.
This design captures the way the brain can see different things out of a singular shape, for example: I have directions on there because I see the design as a road, as well as all the numbers and letters typed within the design.
This design captures the way the brain can see different things out of a singular shape, for example: I have directions on there because I see the design as a road, as well as all the numbers and letters typed within the design.
I chose to do some wild messy experimental type work with Arabic because it is not usually seen within their language.
I chose to do some wild messy experimental type work with Arabic because it is not usually seen within their language.
Last but not least: HWYL ( Goodbye in Welsh ). I swear I have yet to see much Welsh typography, so I had to do it. I made it look very weird, edgy, because every time I have read something in welsh, it has looked like jibberish and I love weird hard to understand words.
Last but not least: HWYL ( Goodbye in Welsh ). I swear I have yet to see much Welsh typography, so I had to do it. I made it look very weird, edgy, because every time I have read something in welsh, it has looked like jibberish and I love weird hard to understand words.

Problem & Solution

I had issues trying to figure out how to go about the shaping and styling of the characters, but I really just put trust into my mind & the out come is amazing, especially with the lay out for each "poster" design.
Use items around my room as reference for each letter &/or typeface.
Create a vision for clients to see what I can do for their typography.
Experiment with other languages.


Took a few hours to figure out where to start off. I started initially with the letter "A" and gradually started to feel more comfortability with the work flow and that made me realize direction I wanted to go. Whole lot of ungrouped shapes currently in the AI file.
My AI file was a mess of random ungrouped shapes and words.
My AI file was a mess of random ungrouped shapes and words.


I felt for the first time, it really is okay to make experimental typography simple & even extremely unreadable. I am happy to have experimented with other languages and staying versatile, yet similar in ways.
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Posted Oct 26, 2023

experimenting with different shapes & as well as different languages using adobe illustrator to produce these fine examples of experimental & expressive feature






Graphic Designer


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

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