Branding Velocity _Cycling classes

Alturas Design

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

About the brand

Velocity is a gym with a strong focus on cycling classes. At Velocity, we believe that everyone is capable of achieving their goals by pedaling and running after them. 🚴🏽‍♀️

Social Media _Velocity

The social media of Velocity aims to convey the energy and happiness of our cycling classes, as well as the positive feelings after exercising. By sharing real and minimally edited photos, Velocity's concept is to inspire you to be whoever you want to be. All it takes is pursuing your goals! ✨

The Space

The Velocity gym aims to have both a bright, calming space that conveys lightness and dark rooms with disco lights for the popular cycling classes set to the latest hits. 🌿🔥
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