Calorie Calculator: All there is to Know about Weight Management

Sankalp Saini



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A calorie calculator is a scientific tool that calculates the estimated amount of calories a person must intake based on their age, sex, height, and activity status.
A calorie is a unit of energy. We get energy by consuming food containing calories which helps our bodies function.
The calorie calculator will ask you to insert your age, height, and weight. A few calorie calculators also require your activity level or activity status based on the number of activities you perform throughout the day to give a more accurate result. After filling in this information the tool will calculate the number of calories your body requires daily.
The benefits of a calorie calculator are spread in a wide range covering many topics. Today we will talk about:
1.     How is a calorie calculator linked with weight management?
2.    Why should you not be avoiding Weight management?
3.    What are the factors affecting calorie intake?
4.    Importance of calculating calories while gaining, losing, or maintaining weight.

How is the Calorie Calculator Linked with Weight Management?

Calorie intake is the primary factor in weight management. Losing weight, gaining weight, getting lean, etc. Everything revolves around calorie intake. That is where a calorie calculator comes in handy.
There are different kinds of calorie calculators for different purposes. If you are looking to lose weight then some tools will ask for your attributes, your current weight, and the weight you want to achieve. The algorithms will give out the number of calories you should eat to reduce weight.
Now, the question that comes to mind is why is weight management critical. The answer to this is in the next segment.

Why Should You Not Avoid Weight Management?

Maintaining a healthy weight is the open secret to a better life. It should be clear that life is better when you are fit and healthy.
There are several reasons why you should not avoid weight management. And it goes for both underweight and overweight. Not only does it increase the risks of many internal diseases including diabetes and heart risks but it puts people into depression.
Many tools can calculate the ideal weight with your attributes based on body mass index (BMI). If you are a person who is underweight or overweight numerous risks can affect your health. So take the help of a calorie calculator to get in the right weight range.

Risks of being underweight:

·        Vitamin deficiency
·        Anemia
·        Fertility issues
·        Poor immune function
·        Lack of energy
The BMI of underweight falls under 18.5.

Risks of being overweight:

·        Type 2 diabetes
·        Stroke
·        Hypertension
·        Heart diseases
·        Sleep apnea
BMI of overweight ranges from 25 to 30. BMI over 30 is considered obese.

Factors Affecting Calorie Intake

There are a lot of factors on which a calorie calculator calculates the calorie intake. We will talk about two primary factors affecting calorie intake which are age and gender. Weight and height also affect calorie intake but the figures below are based on the ideal weight and size of males and females according to their age.
Although activity status is an important factor it is advisable to have at least a 40-minute exercise session for any age so this segment will not emphasize it.

Age and gender

Age and gender are interrelated when it comes to calorie intake. A calorie calculator functions by age and gender together, taking just the age or gender will bother the accuracy of the result.
Children till the age of 6 require just around 1200 calories per day. Kids before teenagers require 1600 to 2200 calories, mostly depending on their activity status. Teenagers must consume 2000 to 2800 calories per day. Individuals indulging in more activities should eat more.
Men usually require more calories than women. The calorie calculator suggests younger men eat at least 2800 calories a day and more if they are physically active. After the age of 25 calorie requirement declines, an average man requires 2600 calories a day. Men only need 2200 calories per day after the age of 65.
Women usually require lesser calories than men, hence a calorie calculator suggests young women need 2200 calories per day. Similar to men, women’s calorie requirement also declines after the age of 25 which is 2000 for women. After the age of 50, a woman can live on 1800 calories a day.

Importance of Calorie Calculator in Weight Management

The importance of a calorie calculator has already been established above in the article so is the link between a calorie calculator and weight management.
Now, how is a calorie calculator important in weight management? The answer is, in all the ways. Whether you are looking to lose weight, gain weight, or try to maintain your current weight tracking the calorie count is very important.
Calorie calculators can perform a lot of different tasks like,
·        Counting the number of calories burned by certain exercises
·        Calculating how many calories a food product contains
·        Finding the number of calories required to burn per day to reach the goal
·        Calculating the number of calories needed to be ingested per day
Let’s see how a calorie calculator can help individuals with different goals,

Weight loss

Ideally, a person needs to reduce 500 calories from their diet daily to lose 450gm of weight in a week. This can be done very easily with the help of a calorie calculator. Whether you are ingesting 500 lesser calories or you are burning 500 more calories each day you need to keep track. The theory is pretty simple and can be made simpler with the help of a calorie calculator.

Weight gain

Similar to the weight gain theory intaking 500 calories more than the ideal number of calorie intake can increase up to 450gm a week. Gaining weight is tougher as you need to increase the consumption of fat and then turn that fat into muscles with the help of exercising. The right calorie calculator can provide you with the food containing the most number of calories and fat percentage.

Weight Maintenance

Maintaining the current weight is theoretically very simple. After reaching the goal while gaining or losing weight you should stick to the number of calories you are burning and ingesting daily. The diet can be changed but the number of calorie intake needs to be the same. A calorie calculator can provide a list of different food items containing the same number of calories.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a calorie-deficit diet?
When your body burns more calories than it has consumed it is called a calorie deficit. A calorie-deficit diet is practiced by those who are looking to lose weight.
2. Can you eat junk every day and still lose weight?
Yes, but only if you do that under your range. Losing weight is all about handling your calories so ingesting junk food is no problem until the calorie count does not surpass the daily goal set by the calorie calculator.
3. Can you die of obesity?
Obesity leads to many life-threatening diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. It even affects the mental health of the patient and can cause depression which reduces the quality of life. So yes, obesity if not taken care of can lead to death.
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Posted Jun 6, 2023

When I started freelancing, I wrote a lot on health&fitness. This was one of the articles that I wrote for a medical website. Heavy research and SEO emphasized.






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