Nayab Raheel

Web Designer
Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer

Customer Relationship Management System

Flagship project for UAE-based client


December 2022 - August 2023

Project Type

Web and Mobile Application development

Clients Requirments

The client was interested in developing a SaaS application with relevance to Salesforce, one of the most popular and widely used CRM in the world.

The demand was to help keep track of the contacts, leads, and accounts, to allow both sales and marketing teams to personalize communication and track leads. They wanted a solution that could supplement their accounts, contacts, and lead data through third-party data sources so that all information is complete and up to date.

Solution I provided

I understood their requirements and built a CRM for them to help streamline the business process. the solution I provided allowed them to manage and streamline the process but also increase staff productivity.


  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Supply-chain
  • Support Center
  • Document editor


  • Document Editor
  • Object manager
  • Stripe integration
  • Subscription models
  • Dashboard
  • Reports

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