Rosemary Nwosu-Ihueze

UX Designer
Product Designer

Overview 🔎

The blockchain industry has seen rapid growth over the years mainly due to its advantage in protecting user data. Many applications has sprang up to this effect as these applications revolve around decentralized finance and digital marketplaces that trade on digital assets. These digital assests are yet to evolve to a point of real world use case.

Problem & Solution 🤝

With the rise of blockchain and digital assets, many enthusiasts has rode on this wave by amassing these digital assets with no real world use case or leverage. To create a mobile application where users can use their digital assets as collaterals for loans and can also rent out these digital assets to other users for passive income generation.

Process 🛣

I did user research both primary and secondary, from which I created my user persona and empathy maps.
The next thing I did was to do competitive analysis - both direct and indirect competitors. Created user maps, user flows and user journeys. Iterated by creating story boards, wireframes, low fidelity and high fidelity. Did usability testing before the final iteration and prototyping.

Results 🎁

The project won a blockchain based hackathon

Takeaways 📣

During this study, I learnt about the fear of general acceptance of NFT which stems from the volatility of the market and underutilization of digital assets due to one direction being followed by upcoming projects and protocols as well as the potential of NFTs in the world of decentralized finance
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