AI Expert Developer

Oleksii Gavrylenko

Web Developer
Google Docs
Scale AI

Robots are not going to replace humans, they are going to make their jobs much more humane. Difficult, demeaning, demanding, dangerous, dull – these are the jobs robots will be taking. - Sabine Hauert

How the job looked like?

We (a team of code-programming experts and many other teams) were tasked with training the AI model by correcting its responses, evaluating which response is better, and sending the results back to the AI model so it could learn from its mistakes. We used to create complex prompts, which were targeted to expand the model's perception limits to what the user might expect from it.

  1. Generate a complex prompt
  2. Evaluate model's the response
  3. Critique model's the response
  4. Rewrite the response to go above and beyond the user's prompt
  5. Submit the results back to the model

Did I like it?

Mostly yes, but there were moments related to management and pay that were kind of frustrating and led some people to leave. I liked how I could expand my proficiency in different fields while correcting the model's response and researching more about the problem.

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