MAZ - Visual Identity Project

Dario Babovic


Graphic Designer

Logo Designer

Brand Strategist

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Affinity Designer

MAZ - Mreža aktivnih zajednica

A big mistake in the thinking of many is that an NGO does not need a visual identity and/or marketing. On the contrary, an NGO, like any other brand, is built as a persona and leaves a mark where it operates, and its visual identity helps them in this.
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Posted Oct 16, 2023

A visual identity for an NGO that connects and builds relationships in the community.






Graphic Designer

Logo Designer

Brand Strategist

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Affinity Designer

Dario Babovic

Graphic and visual designer

Graphic design and product visualization
Graphic design and product visualization
Product Catalogue - Publication
Product Catalogue - Publication
Publication design and DTP
Publication design and DTP
ANNUAL REPORT - DTP and publication
ANNUAL REPORT - DTP and publication