Pawp Social Takeover

Steph Oltman

Problem Statement

In May of 2022, Pawp went through a round of layoffs that eliminated the social coordinator position. The team was doing the best they could to keep the social accounts moving, but we needed someone to dedicate more time to these efforts.

01 Gameplan

I spoke with my direct manager at the time to pitch the idea of me taking over social. We worked together to put together a more official pitch that also involved our copywriter. We determined that between the two of us, we should be able to manage our day-to-day tasks as well as get instagram and facebook back to posting daily – and pinterest and Linkedin posting as much as needed. The following deck shows our initial pitch that we gave to the team before diving into the work.

02 Implementation

Once presenting to the team and ensuring the copywriter and I felt prepared and like we had enough time to dedicate to this project, we were able to start implementing these new ideas. From July of 2022 to June of 2023, we were responsible for the concepts and execution for all posts on instagram, facebook, pinterest and Linkedin. It would be impossible to show everything we accomplished during this time, but I’ve outlined a few projects below.

Creating In-House Reels

Most of the reels on Pawp’s instagram page are re-posted from other content creators. This is mostly due to a lack of resources and time on a smaller team. One of my goals was to make some of our own reels, so I reached out to the team to see who I could involve to get the ball rolling. This was also a great opportunity for me to learn Adobe Premiere and start to flex some beginner video editing skills.
The first of these campaigns was our “Bark to School” series, where one of our in-house vet techs volunteered to help with some training videos. I outlined each video and worked with her to direct how I wanted them to look. Our copywriter helped with captions and I edited each video she created. This series consisted of four videos posted throughout September.
The second of these campaigns was our Bone Appétit series. One of the members of our customer support team was also interested in content creation and offered to help me bring this idea to life. She has three dogs she loves baking for, so I worked with our illustrator to come up with a custom logo for the series. My co-worker did most of the heavy lifting with these videos, but I added the designed screens and music to finalize each video.

Static Templates & Series

Outside of reel creation, we also worked hard to implement new series and templates so that we could create as much high quality content as possible. Some of these include our Vet Spotlight series, Pawp pet highlights, Did you know? series and Breed spotlights series. I have included examples of these below and would love to hear from you to discuss the process behind each one → Contact me
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Posted Sep 8, 2023

From July of 2022 to June of 2023, my team was responsible for the concepts and execution for all posts on instagram, facebook, pinterest and Linkedin.

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