Herogo TV

Arron Waston

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Photoshop
Google Drive

What's in a name?

Herogo is an online streaming platform that provides users with access to a wide variety of content, including TV shows, movies, and documentaries.

I worked with Herogo to revamp their user interface and onboarding experience. After meeting with stakeholders, I proposed a visually cohesive version of the website, elevating the overall experience for users.

Why a redesign?

The upcoming streaming platform Herogo aims to establish itself in the media space. Though showcasing an enjoyable content lineup, Herogo's user experience and digital presence failed to demonstrate the technical capabilities needed to make a great impression on users, resulting in scrutiny from online blogs and reviews.

To stand out from rivals, Herogo must develop a revamped onboarding and visual experience that resonates with users and complements its promising content offerings.

Comments collected before website redeisgn.




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