Clay Studios

kathan Chaudhari


Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




I was approached by a client to develop their design agnecy's portfolio website. Although it wasn't a large-scale project, it has really great functionality and design intricacies, making it a noteworthy. I encourage you to visit to get a sense of the project's essence and the creative challenges it presented.
Standout features of the Clay Studios website is customized swiper, menu animation, and smoke effect (starts from the second slide onwards). making this smoke effect was particularly challenging, and it sparked my inspiration to develop a dedicated library to handle similar effects more efficiently in the future.
The website also has  an 'About Me' page, a 'Contact Us' section, and a portfolio showcase. For the portfolio page, it was crucial to display each image without compromising on quality, to achieve this, I utilized the lazy loading and image optimization capabilities of Next.js's Image component. This approach ensured that the visual integrity of the portfolio was maintained while optimizing the site's performance. Keep in mind this site is static.
Finally, I integrated the 'Contact Us' page with EmailJS, providing a seamless communication channel for users. This integration allows messages sent through the website to be directly received in Gmail, streamlining the communication process and enhancing user engagement.
Working on the Clay Studios website was a blend of creative design and technical implementation, offering a platform to showcase my skills in bringing to life a visually appealing and functionally robust website.
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Posted Dec 21, 2023

Designed Clay Studio's website: a static but complex site. Build a fluid simulation and swipers. Completed project swiftly and effectively.






Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer

