Set up editorial production systems for Inc.Africa

Brian Bakker

Project Manager
Content Editor
Google Analytics
G Suite
The company was established with a content licence from and an ambition to provide everything entrepreneurs and business builders need to start, run and grow a business in Africa.
I was contracted to establish and implement processes for writing, editing, producing and publishing articles from local contributors to a consistently high quality. I also had to work out an efficient means to publish relevant licensed content from This all involved design and implementation of production systems, developing editorial guidelines and contributor templates, retaining a sub-editor and mentoring younger writers. All content was published in a custom-built Content Management System (CMS), which I was called on to stress-test and interact with the developers when things went wrong.
I managed the content on the Home Page on a daily basis and compiled, tested, queued and sent out a daily newsletter. I edited the work of others and wrote articles when time allowed, and I trained new staff members to use the various systems. I also monitored analytics of both website and newsletter and reported back to management periodically.
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